Now, again I don't have a home of my own, but that doesn't mean I don't have an interest in decorating and dream of being able to decorate my own home one day. Lately, I have visited two of my boyfriend's neighbors' homes. Both are old California ranch style homes decorated with a mixture of old California Ranch style and hacienda/adobe style. I literally took pictures throughout one of the houses when we were housesitting their home. Now there are many different styles of homes I love, but one in particular I love is the old California/hacienda/adobe style home. If done the right way, with light soft colors and simplicity (absolutely no clutter) I think it is so cozy, bright, somewhat antique-like and inviting. There is even an undertone of elegance in that style. I decided to post some photos of what I am talking about since images always seem to speak louder than words to me. Enjoy!