"That sun is your heart, he said. It is your heart because without the sun you would not be alive. The sun is not outside of the lettuce and the sun is not outside of you. " Thich Nhat Hanh (a.k.a. Thay)
Thich Nhat Hanh, or Thay as he is referred to, a well know Buddhist teacher spoke the words above. The following was written about Thay and his teachings: "Thay simply held up a white sheet of paper and told us what its nature was, how it did not have a separate self, but was just a composite of different causes and conditions including the clouds, the sunshine, the Earth, and the bread which the logger ate. Thay asked us, 'Can you see the cloud in this piece of paper?' It was so simple that even a young child could understand."
And so the lesson goes, "Without a cloud, there will be no rain; without rain, the trees cannot grow; and without trees, we cannot make paper. the cloud is essentiona for the paper to exist."
We are all interconnected with the universe. It is important to live in harmony with the energy of the universe as a result of the connectedness. Humans forget to do this and thus live against the energy of the universe and in turn abuse the very source that gives them life. I strive to live in the present moment and recognize and embrace at every moment in my life the gift of life the universe provides me. Without the sun, I would not be.